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In a Bitter Split, the Olsen Triplets Are No More! Kate Leaves Sisters In Pursuit Of Solo Success!

In one of the most bitter splits in recent Hollywood history, Kate Olsen of the beloved Olsen triplets has left her sisters to pursue a solo career. The official reason given for the break-up is creative differences, but we at Vicious Celebrity Rumors have learned the truth.

It seems that this split has been coming for some time. Kate, the oldest of the Olsen triplets by some seventeen minutes, has reportedly long been tired of dealing with having to appear with her sisters. She apparently feels that she is the only one of the three sisters in possession of any true talent.

In fact, Kate was overheard at a recent Hollywood party saying, "I've been carrying those two little bitches for years now. I'm the only one of us who can actually act. The only thing that those no talent tramps have going for them is that they look like me."

She continued by saying, "You just know that if I stay with them my only future will be posing in a special celebrity issue of Playboy. I'm sorry but that's just not the path I want to take. I've been working in this business for twenty-five years now and I don't want to wind up my career spreading them for Hefner." When asked how it was possible for her to have worked in the business for twenty-five years when the Olsens are only sixteen years old, Kate replied, "That's another thing. They continue to pretend that they are kids. For God's sake we were all in our late teens when we were on that Godawful "Full House" show. They used elaborate special effects to make us look like a little girl. I think it was that damn Sagat's idea."

Kate has already lined up several solo projects that are sure to keep her in the public eye for some time to come. First up are the co-hosting duties on an all new version of 'Battle of the Network Stars'.

Mary and Ashley Olsen are apparently prepared to go on without her. "In my mind the bitch never existed." Ashley stated in a recent interview.

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